Now operating from the New Store

We have finally moved to the new store, it is run by Ionos and is much safer than the old version. We will keep the old store online for now so orders can be checked, once there is no need for it we will change the link to the new store for all searches.

The new store has better photos(of the newer stuff) and allows better options when ordering.

Thank you all for 14 years of fun and games.

Keith and Adam


Update 17th May 2023

I am away from 22nd to 29th May so the store and site will be unattended.

Orders being cast and dispatched asap but there are a lot of them and some will not be processed until after my return.

Adam has the Allied legion figures nearing completion and the first 4 packs have been moulded. The new figures will only be added to the new site and not the older store which we will close soon.

The old store has been taken down to slow orders while I am away and will go live on my return for a limited time(until I have all transferred).

Current Project update

We have started on the remake of our Republican Roman range now that the Byzantines are complete. The first packs are in the store ie RR01-RR03 the Velites. Adam is currently working on the masters for the Hastati, Principes and Triarii. We will release the packs as fast as possible when they complete.

We hope to extend the range to cover the Marian and Caesar periods then start on the Etruscans and Hill Tribes. We also want to add Samnite foot to this section.

It is not strictly a remake but appears move of a do-over with new dollies and a cleaning up of the packs in the ranges(we had far too many).

This all takes time and involves a fair outlay on our part, we are going as fast as possible and as much as I would like to be able to post dates etc. it will all depend on Adam and how much work is involved, please be patient.


Keith and Adam

The Byzantine Cavalry has reached the store.

We have added 4 cavalry commands (BYZ50-53) and 8 packs of lancers (BYZ60-67) to the stores. They will be sold differently to the usual practice in that they will be in riders only, and horse only packs. There are just too many combinations to list them all so the choice is yours.

There are 3 shields and they also need to be chosen, leave a note in the comments as to which one of the 3 you want with each pack. The Boukellaroi have their shield cast upon them.

The Unit Deal is also a select yourself job, it really is the only way we could do it.

The prices are £4.00 for all the rider packs and £6.00 for the horses, this is a slight rise in the general cost but a small decrease in the command pack price.

We are now working on the mounted archers both armoured and unarmoured, mounted javelinmen, generals and the remake of the Huns etc.

BYZ52 with BYZ60+-61

Increasing delays due to huge increase in orders

We have to be upfront and report that the level of orders placed with us is still massive. The result is an increase in the time between orders being placed and them being shipped. I would guess that an order placed today will not be shipped for 3 weeks as we have enough orders already to fill that time. Adam is back helping out but that has an effect on the Byzantine Cavalry, he cannot be in two places LOL. The horses are nearly done and work on the unit will start soon.

If this delay is too great for anyone please email us and we will arrange a refund.

On another issue, delays due to CV19 are popping up around the world. We track some orders but even that doesn’t help when a package reaches somewhere that is in lockdown as it just disappears until they get a chance to enter it into their systems again.

Stay safe and keep painting.

Keith and Adam

Heavy Order Book and Elephant stocks

Hi folks, we have had another rush of orders, Adam has had to stay at home to assist his wife who sadly fell and broke her leg, leaving me to do all the casting. The large number of orders received has resulted in a delay between time of ordering and shipping of around 10 working days at present. Shipping times are starting to vary a lot, one order took 2 full weeks to get from Northern Ireland to England and depart for Europe, some get through in days.

Today Scotty got the latest restock of the armoured Indian Elephant bodies and heads to us, they are back in the store now. There is limited stock of the ELA03 Hercules left, just saying. lol

The Byzantine cavalry is getting ever closer, Adam showed me the greens and they are well on their way to completion, hoping for the first packs in around 2 weeks if all goes as planned.
