Steve at LBMS is building a Republican Roman army using the Victrix Infantry and our cavalry. Here are some of his cavalry that he had painted up. Lovely job.
28mm White Metal Miniatures for the Ancient Period
Steve at LBMS is building a Republican Roman army using the Victrix Infantry and our cavalry. Here are some of his cavalry that he had painted up. Lovely job.
Here they are, this time SASS14 doesn’t have 2 the same, (should have gone to
I have been busy today with the cataphract unit packs. All moulds made and the casting started I just ran out of daylight to do all the photographs. 3 new packs one with 3 new horses. Be prepared for an overdose of photographs tomorrow. New command, a pack with maces and axes and another with lances all in heavy armour. We listed them as cataphracts but they will also mix in with all the other figures. They are also available on their own without the horses as are the rest of the range, just too many variations to list them all on the store this way you can get the horses with the riders you want at no extra cost. The unit deal(UD60) is a cataphract unit but we can always make up whatever you want in the 12 figure unit, just ask.
We had a brief discussion as to what we are planning to produce next. Our original plan from last year was to start on a small Samnite range once we had finished the Sassanids. The Sassanids have expanded and the start of the Samnites has been delayed. In the meantime Victrix have produced what we consider to be very nice Italian Allies that are full of variation, we feel that this would make our planned range not financially viable, we will therefore limit any figures to cavalry.
The Sassanids are far from finished anyway, we need to add the next unit of heavily armoured horsemen(note I haven’t called them anything) suitable as heavy cataphracts or clibanarius, they have lance upright, sword and mace armed riders and a new command. Following that one( nearly ready, battery masters being prepared) we will do the Eastern unit, the light foot and the infantry.
What will follow, we will keep that one secret for now…lol
Welcome to 2015.
Keith and Adam
The photo gallery is now up and running again and has images of our figures and customer galleries showcasing their painted figures. If you would like to add to the gallery please register and let us know and we can authorise you to upload your images – Click here to view the gallery or use the link in the menu.
We have launched this new version of our web site. It will expand over time but should be easier to use and update.