Just a short update on the current situation at Aventine. All is well, Adam is working away on the cavalry for the Byzantines, the unarmoured horses are complete and he is working on the armoured versions. Once they are complete he can start on the riders(we need to be able to test fit them on the production horses first).
We are also making new moulds for the EIR packs, when they are done I will be putting them back in the store. Adam is taking this opportunity to fix the bases and a few small changes he thinks will improve the figures.
Keep an eye on the Facebook page for some really lovely paint jobs.
Keith and Adam
Once upon a very long time ago (think 2012/13) there was a conversation about the EIR range having long (winter) cloaks added to them. Is this now a doable given the range is now having new moulds being made.
Interesting point, I will say to Adam but I fear that the Byzantines must come first. The remoulding of the EIR range is slowly progressing when he gets a chance to update the masters.