16 figure pilum armed unit from above1986 viewsI have sprayed the figures with black matt car spray after glueing the spears and arms to them. I then added the first coat of white(I touch it up later). Then the dark bronze on the metal work followed by dark flesh on the arms, face and legs. I leave the toes until they are based as I find it quicker.
16 figure pilum unit stage 11217 viewsUnit after first 90mins of work.
First figure of unit1124 viewsI paint the first figure to near completion to sort out the painting order and the final look. Speeds up the rest.
Stage 2 190mins in1057 viewsCopper, red, gold, and silver added.
Stage 2 from above990 viewsStarting to look like something now, Next the lighter flesh, the light brown and a bit of inking.
270 mins in stage 31082 viewsFlesh done and a bit of ink applied to bronze bits, I will highlight this later. Standard bearers armor finished. Just the strapping and shields to do.
270 mins in from above1090 viewsNearly there now. A few time consuming bits to do like shields and straps, then basing. I hope another 2 hours will see it finished.
stage 4 shields on 360mins so far912 viewsFigures nearly finished. Shields have their transfers on and attached. I will wait until the glue drys and then I'll finish them
stage 4 place onto bases to see how they will fit 360mins1035 viewsJust need touching up on shields and bases done.
finished approx. 7 hours of work involved1066 viewsShields touched up, figures mounted on base and base textured
Pilum unit finished 7 hours or so.1359 viewsUnit now finished - 7 hours of work over 4 days.