Having added upgraded elephants to our store we decided to revisit the crews for them. Adam created completely new figures for the two basic crews which should cover all the sets for this period including the Carthaginians. The figures have no bases to help fit them into the howdahs, they have separate heads and a new feature in the store allows you to pick from 7 different head sets in a drop down menu. The heads are also available in a pack of 28 (HS1 in the successor section). We found that it is better to fit the mahout to the elephant before the howdah as it can be tricky to get him in place once the head and howdah are glued. The packs come with a small sheet of alloy to use(or not) as a base on which to mount the crew figures, this is best dropped into the howdah and the figures then glued to it, this allows you to be able to remove the crew when transporting or to exchange for a different set. Photos show the figures on the base and in a howdah.